
NIAA councils are developed on current and emerging topics to provide platforms to exchange scientific information, find common ground and seek resolutions across species segments.

See upcoming council meetings here!

Update your council preferences here.



Council meetings are complementary to members.

Animal Disease Issues & Emergency Management Council

To provide a forum for animal agriculture, animal health industry, regulatory veterinarians, government agencies and academia to identify and seek solutions to issues involving emerging and emergency animal diseases of significant concern to animal agriculture or public health both domestically and globally.

Animal Identification & Information Systems Council

The NIAA Animal Identification & Information Systems Council fully explores and discusses the effects of animal identification, information systems technologies, and data management within animal agriculture. Some of these areas of inquiry include practical application, measures of success, disease traceability, food safety, and operational management. Council members convene to identify and address trends and insights, gaps in knowledge, and needs of specific sectors of animal agriculture, while seeking alignment within animal agriculture.

Antibiotics Council

The NIAA Antibiotics Council seeks to enhance an animal agriculture industry that is aligned with judicious antibiotic use policies and practices.

Sustainability Council

The Sustainability Council empowers its participants to explore, discuss, learn, and develop knowledge that ensures the viability and acceptance of animal agriculture in today’s food system. The Council will address environmental stewardship, animal welfare, food security, and more.

2019 – 2020 Resolutions
2020 – 2021 Resolutions
2021 – 2022 Resolutions

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