
Animal Agriculture Leaders Discuss Antimicrobial Resistance in Atlanta, GA

Leaders across the food animal system met with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) convened animal agriculture leaders in Atlanta, Georgia to meet with human and animal health experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This latest convening built on previous meetings that began in 2018. This discussion was timely, given the upcoming UN General Assembly High-level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance on September 26, 2024, in New York City.

The multi-day One Health discussion spanned animal agriculture priorities, foodborne illnesses, waterborne transmission, H5N1 updates and preparedness, fungal pathogens, worker safety, tours of CDC enteric pathogen laboratories, and more.

Through ongoing discussions and experiential learning tours with public health leaders, animal agriculture leaders identify opportunities to concretely improve One Health outcomes, like decreased occurrences of foodborne illness and decreased emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance. During a similar convening in 2022, leaders identified joint research opportunities to foster greater understanding of potential transmission routes of Salmonella.

Conversations during this most recent engagement identified opportunities to better communicate One Health topics with a more unified voice. Additionally, farmers, ranchers, and veterinarians provided context about on-farm and ranch practices to increase CDC scientists’ understanding to enhance investigations of foodborne, waterborne, and environmental disease outbreaks.

“Participating in this latest convening not only demonstrated NIAA’s mission in action but more importantly fostered relationships that will continuously improve our food system through a true One Health approach. Since NIAA’s inception, we have been the convener for ‘hard conversations’ and a space where those who do not usually interact come together to explore, discuss, learn, and develop shared knowledge. It is extremely rewarding to see first-hand the growing collaboration between animal agriculture leaders and public health leaders,” shared NIAA executive director, J.J. Jones.

Leaders from the following organizations participated in the late August convening:

  • Animal Agriculture Alliance
  • American Horse Council
  • American Sheep Industry Association
  • American Veterinary Medical Association
  • Cattlemen’s Beef Board
  • Meat Institute
  • National Institute for Animal Agriculture
  • National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research & Education (NIAMRRE)
  • National Pork Board
  • United States Animal Health Association (USAHA)
  • U.S. Poultry & Egg Association

“By sharing our respective priorities and challenges with animal agriculture leaders, we hope to demonstrate that CDC is eager to collaborate and further efforts to advance human, environmental and animal health and address the threat of antimicrobial resistance,” said Alexandra Medley DVM, MPH, who serves as Associate Director for Antimicrobial Resistance for CDC’s Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases. Medley also serves as NIAA’s Antibiotics Council co-chair. “We appreciate the organizations that shared their perspectives and priorities, and listened to ours, to foster discussion about how we can work collectively to fight antimicrobial resistance with a true One Health approach.”

NIAA will convene One Health leaders during the 14th Annual NIAA Antibiotics Symposium in Denver, Colorado, from November 19 – 21, 2024. To learn more about the Symposium and register to attend, visit



Public Health and Animal Agriculture Leaders Convene for One Health

The National Pork Board (NPB) partnered with the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) to convene a group of public health, animal health and swine professionals in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to build relationships and explore opportunities for One Health collaborations. The event was sponsored by the Pork Checkoff with the support of several state pork associations and producers from Minnesota and South Dakota.

The One Health farm to fork experience spanned all phases of swine production, a feed mill, truck wash and processing plants in Minnesota, South Dakota and Iowa. The educational tour focused on biosecurity, animal wellbeing and sustainability to create a dialogue between human health, animal health and food safety professionals.

“This Checkoff investment is evidence of our holistic approach to connecting directly with our colleagues in the public health sector,” said Heather Fowler VMD PhD MPH DACVPM, director of producer and public health at NPB. “The We Care® Ethical Principles and Pork Quality Assurance® Plus training our producers abide by are proof that we are committed to people, pigs and the planet. It was inspiring to talk directly with the event attendees about how on-farm practices contribute to a healthy community and the health of the people we are proud to feed.”

The following organizations were represented:

  •        Association for State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)
  •        The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  •        FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine
  •        Illinois Department of Public Health
  •        Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
  •        Iowa Pork Producers Association
  •        Minnesota Department of Health
  •        Minnesota Pork Board
  •        National Pork Board (host)
  •        NIAA
  •        PIPESTONE
  •        South Dakota Department of Health
  •        South Dakota Pork Producers Council
  •        U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  •       Wisconsin Department of Health Services

“Observing and learning about swine production from farrow to finish highlighted the need of these systems to have the highest rigor of biosecurity and production practices to protect herd health,” said Alexandra Medley DVM MPH, Associate Director for Antimicrobial Resistance for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases. “In turn, we learned how maintaining a healthy herd can directly and indirectly affect animal, crop, and public health, including enhancing food safety and preventing, within their part of the One Health spectrum, the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AR).”

Next month, animal agriculture leaders from multiple species sectors will host a reversal of the previous farm tour experience with a meeting in Atlanta at the CDC campus. This meeting will support CDC delegates as they provide informed One Health information including perspectives and practical applications from experts and professionals in the animal agriculture sector.

“By sharing our respective priorities and challenges as swine producers and public health scientists, we hope that the takeaway is that CDC is eager to collaborate on identifying and furthering efforts to advance human, environmental and animal health and address the threat of AR,” continued Medley. “We are grateful to the producers and companies that graciously brought us into their world to foster learning and discussion across a diversity of topics.”

Meet the two new Antibiotics Council co-chairs

The National Institute of Animal Agriculture recently welcomed two new co-chairs to the Antibiotics Council: Dr. Heather Fowler from the National Pork Board and Dr. Alexandra Medley from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.

Photo of Alexandra Medley and Heather Fowler

Since NIAA’s inception in 1916, its mission has been to convene leaders regarding important and developing topics. Councils were developed to collaborate, learn, and discuss current and emerging topics to provide platforms to exchange scientific information, find common ground, and seek resolutions across species segments. Participation in NIAA’s Councils is open to animal agriculture stakeholders. The purpose of the Antibiotics Council is to seek to enhance an animal agriculture industry that is aligned with judicious antibiotic use policies and practices.

Dr. Heather Fowler is the Director of Producer and Public Health at the National Pork Board where she oversees public health as well as occupational safety and health issues as they relate to swine production in the United States. She completed her Veterinary Medical degree at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 2010, a Master in Public Health in Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health in 2011, and a PhD in Environmental and Occupational Hygiene from the University of Washington School of Public Health in 2017. She is board certified in veterinary preventive medicine and has expertise in the areas of zoonotic disease, public health, worker safety and health, and One Health application.

Dr. Alexandra Medley is a veterinary epidemiologist currently serving as the Associate Director for Antimicrobial Resistance within the Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She received both her Master in Public Health and her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from The Ohio State University and her Bachelor of Music from Oberlin College.

The Antibiotics Council also hosts annual Antibiotics Symposium. Co-chairs have selected the planning committee and are currently planning 14th Annual Antibiotics Symposium in Denver, Colorado from November 19-21, 2024. Symposium topics will include an industry report on the current state of antibiotic stewardship, information on the latest antimicrobial stewardship and resistance research, regulatory updates, One Health collaborations, and more.

To register for the 14th Annual Antibiotics Symposium please visit For assistance with media registration, please contact Morgan Young, Director of Communications and Outreach for the National Institute for Animal Agriculture at

Dates and Location of 14th Annual Antibiotics Symposium Announced

Speakers Announced for NIAA’s 13th Annual Antibiotics Symposium in Atlanta

Farmers, ranchers, veterinarians, allied industry professionals, human health specialists and environmental experts will explore collaboration opportunities to derive One Health solutions for antimicrobial resistance and stewardship.


Kansas City, Mo. (October 5, 2023) — The National Institute for Animal Agriculture will host the 13th Annual Antibiotics Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia from November 7-9, 2023. This year’s theme for Symposium is Thriving in a Changing Landscape.


NIAA serves as a contractor to the Cattlemen’s Beef Board and the Antibiotics Symposium is made possible in part by the Beef Checkoff. This year’s Symposium program comes on the heels of NIAA’s Kentucky Farm Tour collaboration with Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association, Kentucky Pork Producers Association, Cattlemen’s Beef Board and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that served to bridge the gap between animal agriculture, human, and environmental health. This program is also made possible by Beef Farmers and Ranchers.


Symposium topics will include an industry report on the current state of antibiotic stewardship from producer to processor to grocer, information on the latest antimicrobial stewardship and resistance research, the multi-dimensional aspects of antibiotic stewardship and AMR, regulatory updates, One Health collaborations, and more. Confirmed speakers include:

  • Ken Opengart – Tyson Foods,
  • Alex Rinkus – Health for Animals,
  • Chris Gambino – The Breakthrough Institute,
  • Terry Lehenbauer – University of California Davis,
  • Collette Kaster – Professional Animal Auditor Certification Organization
  • Andy Bishop – Cattlemen’s Beef Board,
  • Chelsey Shivley – USDA APHIS,
  • Catherine Rockwell – USDA FSIS,
  • Susan Jennings – EPA,
  • Karen Smith – Association of State & Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO),
  • Cameron Bess, PhD – Biomedical Advanced Research & Development Authority (BARDA),

and more. See the full list of speakers here.


In addition to the Symposium program, NIAA will be leading a tour on Tuesday, November 7 before the opening reception. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will host a tour limited to 30 people. More details will be released at a later date.


To register for the 13th Annual Antibiotics Symposium and book your hotel stay in Atlanta, please visit Hotel room block and early bird rates for registration are active until October 15, 2022. For assistance, please contact Morgan Young, Director of Communications and Outreach for the National Institute for Animal Agriculture at




About NIAA
NIAA is the leading resource for the animal agriculture industry and provides value to all stakeholders involved in providing safe and healthy food for the world. NIAA is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing programs to work towards providing solutions for disease, while promoting a safe and wholesome food supply and the best practices of environmental stewardship, animal health and well-being.


About the Beef Checkoff
The Beef Checkoff was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The Checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States may retain up to 50 cents on the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national Checkoff program, subject to USDA approval.

National Institute for Animal Agriculture Launches Policy Review Panels


NIAA will offer unbiased, third-party reviews to organizational policies related to animal agriculture.


The National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) has launched a new program to review organizational policies and positions specific to animal agriculture as a third-party reviewer.

As the protein value chain works to continuously improve, new animal agriculture policies and positions are often adopted by organizations. Access to third-party subject matter experts through NIAA ensures the latest science and information for practical animal handling and husbandry practices are applied. Review panels span all species and sectors of the animal agriculture value chain.

As a convener of interdisciplinary leaders to explore, discuss, and learn about specific topics and issues, NIAA’s mission is put into action through this program. NIAA Animal Agriculture Policy Review Panels are assembled upon request by animal agriculture stakeholders to review a specific organizational policy or position statement. The Policy Review Panels are comprised of subject matter experts (SMEs) and serve to:

  • Determine if the policy follows the latest scientific research;
  • Assess if the policy encourages continuous improvement;
  • Review the policy for practical application;
  • Evaluate if the policy is balanced to allow for species, regional, cultural, and other differences in production practices and models; and,
  • Offer feedback and counsel that the requesting organization can implement into the policy.

NIAA provides the panel of SMEs with the proposed policy text with no distinguishing language or branding to prevent bias. Feedback from the panel is aggregated into a final report by NIAA staff and includes the credentials of the SMEs. NIAA does not share confidential review panel reports. However, reports may be shared by the requesting organization if they choose.

“We look forward to continuing to serve the animal agriculture community as policies and positions on a variety of animal agriculture topics are developed or revised,” said Eric Moore, NIAA board chairman and director of technical services – North America of Norbrook, Inc. “A NIAA Policy Review Panel just completed its first report, and the requesting organization shares the practical feedback was ‘well received’ and will be applied to their final position statement.”

To learn more about NIAA’s Animal Agriculture Policy Review Panels, contact NIAA’s executive director J.J. Jones or visit

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